And then it came to me... constipation. It was perfect. All I had to do was make a couple of faces like if I was in pain... grunt a little bit... cry a lot... and presto, instant new parent panic attack.
"Where did I go wrong?"
"What did you feed him?"
"How was I supposed to know that rice cereal would be bad for him?"
It was awesome! Mommy was feeling guilty, Daddy was on the internet researching the long-term effects of starchy foods on infants. I felt like a mini-evil mastermind.... Then Mommy called her cousin Sayra in Puerto Rico and I heard the 2 words that changed my life forever... Glycerin Suppositories.
Score: Mommy/Daddy- 1... Mini-Evil Mastermind- 0
So after that delightful trip to the land of NEVER AGAIN! Daddy decided that we were all going to go out and spend a nice day at the park. I thought "sure... why not?" I mean after the morning I had just had, I could use a little time out in the sunshine enjoying nature. No problem, right? Wrong.
Uh... I'm a little embarrassed to say this but... I'd never seen grass before. How was I supposed to know? I'm 11 months old! They never took me outside back where I used to live before. So... it was a bit of an experience.
It felt weird... It felt scary... I didn't want it touching my feet or hands.
Finally Mommy said that I had had enough and called it a day. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: Adopting that lady is the best decision I've ever made.